Improve patient adherence and satisfaction with the help of our health coaches

Our Patient Support Programs include the care of patients in more than 30 different indications by around 60 specialised health coaches, who make a total of more than 85,000 coaching calls per year. Particularly important for Medperion is the establishment of an empathetic 1:1 relationship between health coach and patient. In addition, digital tools such as reminders, motivational messaging, apps, video telephony, virtual doctor's office, chat and other services complement the coaching. By providing comprehensive care and support to patients, Medperion helps to significantly increase treatment adherence, motivate programme participants and/or reduce care costs.

Our Health-Coaches are highly qualified professionals who have medical training as well as extensive professional experience as nurses, medical assistants (MFA) or PTA. But that's not all: In addition, our coaching staff undergo internal training to become health coaches, which provides them with the necessary skills and competences to successfully accompany patients in changing lifestyle habits or during difficult phases of illness.

Trust and openness between coach and patient are of utmost importance to us. Therefore, we offer 1:1 support by our highly qualified health coaches during the entire support phase. We understand that every patient is unique and needs individual care based on their personal "disease mix" and life situation. Accordingly, we put together a tailor-made programme for each programme participant from our extensive service and module toolbox - from content to intensity of care. Our patients always take centre stage and are enthusiastic about our personal approach. Trust us to help you achieve your goals.

The best service for your patients

Your benefits at a glance

  • 85,000 coachings per year
  • over 30 indications
  • Increase in therapy adherence
  • Own network of doctors for in-house training purposes
  • Certified call centre according to DIN EN 15838

"Studies clearly demonstrate the added value of patient support programmes (PSP) in various medical indications. Patients with chronic and rare diseases in particular benefit from customised care programmes that are based on segmentation and offer needs-based support. One-size-fits-all solutions do not exist; PSPs need to be customised to achieve high acceptance and optimal benefit."

Sanvartis GmbH – A Medperion Company

Michael Weimann - Lead Patient Solutions

Our customer contact centers meet the highest requirements

We are currently operating patient care programmes for the following indications

Drug management Emphysema / Chronic obstructive bronchitis Multiple sclerosis
Bronchial asthma Epilepsy Osteoporosis and secondary diseases
Attention deficit disorder / other hyperkinetic disorders Nutrition Psychotic and personality disorders
Bipolar affective disorder Family Coach Psoriasis
Burn Out / Dysthymia Cardiac insufficiency Smoking cessation
Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease / ulcerative colitis) Hypertonia Rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory connective tissue diseases
COPD Ischaemic heart disease Back pain
Dementia (Relatives Program) Metabolic syndrome Pregnancy (including complications)
Depression Migraine Tinnitus
Diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2) Parkinson's disease and other basal ganglia disorders

Further Medperion services